The PINT absolute palaeointensity database

Enter desired parameter restrictions and click on one of the buttons on the left to display all the records that satisfy these restrictions. Note that no selection will be done for the Age, Location, Polarity and Quality Criteria categories unless the associated checkbox is ticked. You can then refine your selection and press the button again. Results are displayed initially at the bottom of this page and can be downloaded as a text file. PINT database column heading descriptions can be downloaded here (PDF).
The online search tool is provided as a community service. We take all efforts to ensure search results match the definitive version of the PINT database provided as an Excel spread sheet, which takes priority in cases of disagreement.

If you use the PINT database, please cite our study: Bono et al. (GJI, 2022, doi:10.1093/gji/ggab490)

If you encounter any errors in the PINT database, the website, or think we have missed a study to add to the database, please email Richard K. Bono with your comments.


Min. Age                                    Max. Age    


Min. Latitude                                       Max. Latitude       
Min. Longitude                                    Max. Longitude    

Palaeointensity Method      



Min. QPI   

Misc. Conditions

Additional Palaeointensity Criteria      


Has Palaeodirections       


Has Dipole Moment       

Data Selection


PINT records

If you use the PINT database, please cite our study: Bono et al. (GJI, 2022, doi:10.1093/gji/ggab490)